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Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene

The following information is available for Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene:

Sunday School - 9:45 AM Sunday AM Worship - 11:00 AM Sunday PM Worship - 6:00 PM Wednesday Ministries - 7:00 PM (Adult/Children/Youth)

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our church Facebook page. I trust that as you navigate it you will catch the vision and mission that permeates all of us here at BFCN. A strong sense of expectancy envelopes all our efforts for Christ because we truly believe that our God is great and He can do anything but fail! It is our hope that your visit to our site through this internet connection will ultimately connect you with the Good News about Jesus Christ. If you should not have a church home, please allow me this opportunity to invite you to worship with us here at Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene. Our multi-faceted ministries serve children, youth and adults. You will find us to be a warm and friendly people and a place where you can experience heartfelt worship, spiritual growth, service to others, and loving fellowship. Pastor Gary Jakes The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, tracing its roots to an anniversary date of 1908. It was founded to spread the message of scriptural holiness (Christlike living) across the lands. Today the Church of the Nazarene is located in 156 world areas. The Church of the Nazarene is a Great Commission church. Our mission is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. We believe that God offers to everyone forgiveness, peace, joy, purpose, love, meaning in life, and the promise of heaven when life is over by entering and experiencing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are called to take this message to people everywhere. The Church of the Nazarene is also a holiness church. We believe that Christians can experience a deeper level of life in which there is victory over sin, power to witness and serve, and a richer fellowship with God, all through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Our Vision Center


Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene can be found at the following address:

1400 Stadium Dr

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(304) 325-6594

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What has happend at Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Prayer Needs: Today I made three home calls. The first two where to see Gene & Brenda Syers and Mike & Sharon Wilson to console them as they grieve over the death of their loved one Emden Syers. All of them and their extended family need extra portions of God’s sustaining and comforting grace extended to them as they grieve! I also made it a point to check on Sue Williams who has been dealing for some time now with a deficiency with her liver’s function. She seemed to be improved from my last visit of about a week ago but she still stands in need of God powerful healing touch upon her! All of these people holding special places in God’s heart, could really benefit from all our prayers raised in their behalves to our Heavenly Father. He hears and responds with wonders when we pray believing Him for them! Pastor Gary


This effort of Josh Watkins and his awesome wife Mary, was prepared for their church family as a way of saying “Thank You”, for how they all loved them and helped them so much with their recent wedding. It was so wonderful, the food they prepared for us all and the fun and games, that all of us attending could never thank them enough! We are so blessed to have this exceptional Christian young couple as such a vital link keeping us all so firmly connected to one another and to Christ our Lord. Oh, how we love them! Pastor Gary


Prayer Need: I have just been made aware that Jean Hurley's 1st cousin, Mike Zaborsky, passed away suddenly from having a massive heart attack. What makes this extra hurtful to his loved ones is that his wife preceded him in death not too long ago. His two daughters and their families, and the entire extended family, are all dealing with great sorrow connected with this much loved man's loss. Let's all pray that God will manifest His shepherding care to each of them in unprecedented ways and that all will be given safe travels to and from Prince George, Virginia as they gather for his funeral service. Pastor Gary


Freedom is costly! Living as we do as Americans, it is easy to enjoy it without giving it a second thought. But the quality of life we all benefit from daily by just waking up as citizens of this great republic, is something our homeland is known for around the world. And time and time again, it has been affirmed an secured by scores of our countrymen; valiant patriots whom having deeply considered its importance and value, died in proving it. I wonder how many of those across our land who have at various occasions of late, taken a knee at the playing of our national anthem, rather than standing in respect of it, would also be just as quick to put something else down; to lay their lives down in selfless sacrificial action in behalf of others? The effectiveness of the lone actions of individuals or those of isolated pockets of people have never been able to see freedom maintained. But whenever and wherever, the love of God and His righteousness is collectively embraced and acted upon by the heart and will of a nation, aggression towards and the persecution of people is halted, and their dignity safeguarded, regardless of the price required in doing so. From its inception to this very day, America has been blessed to have men and women serving in its military ranks who proudly stand to salute its flag and the way of life it symbolizes. And scores of these guardians of us all, have not given it a second thought in laying down their lives, in order to keep everything it stands for touching every one of their neighbors with the kind of life God desires for the entire human race. I somberly reflect on those who have died that we might live as we do. I am also humbled by the knowledge that some of our very best may die, even today, that I and my countrymen can know societal rest; deliverance from all oppression. Yes, freedom is costly! Pastor Gary


I just saw Sue Williams and her daughter Susan at her home. Sue has not been able to attend church for several weeks now, due to her suffering from complications with her liver. This is one pastor who can only go so long without having his faith strengthened by just being in the presence of Christians like Sue! How good it was to just share a few minutes of life together, to have God’s Word bring its prescribed daily cure upon us, and to commit our lives once again into God’s merciful Hands. And the Scripture was so on target, not only for Sue in her weakened condition, but for me and Susan as well. We read these words from Matthew 15:30-31: 30 And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them: 31 Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel. (KJV) I hope I never lose the wonder connected with those four words: “and he healed them.” And I found it interesting to note that those words did not end with an exclamation point. Why? Because for Christ to do the extraordinary is not the exception but the norm, and to that, I say hallelujah! Sue is steadily focused in my thoughts and prayers. Would you give her a prominent place in your intercessions as well? Pastor Gary


Prayer Need: I have just learned from Robin Price that her mother Sue Williams is currently having complications with her liver and is experiencing a great deal of pain associated with this. Please join with me in asking our Heavenly Father to lay His powerful healing Hand upon this precious daughter of His! Prayer does change things! Pastor Gary


Our prayers continue to be lifted for the entire Ferguson family in their recent loss of their much loved Clara Ferguson. May each on of them know the solace of our tender loving Lord during this time of deep sorrow! Pastor Gary


Prayer Need: Earlier this morning the luminous quality of Heaven became brighter because one of its glowing stars made her debut within its walls. Yes, Heaven's beauty has become more radiant because Denny Ferguson's precious godly mother of 93, Clara Ferguson, relocated there during the wee hours of the night. I just came into the church office from seeing Denny & Phyllis Ferguson at their home in Peterstown, WV. Yes, there were tears in our eyes as we met together and talked of how dear Clara was, and still is, to all our hearts. Yet, our since of loss over her did not hold us, for it was overridden by our assurance of faith about her current state, and that stabilized our broken hearts aching over her passing. Much lies ahead of Denny & Phyllis and their family in the near future, and they will need the help of our ever present God in ways they have not known to date. Please join with me in asking our Lord to bathe them all in His love and soothing arms of grace, and that He might pave the way before them that will not allow them to be overwhelmed by the absence of Clara from their midst. Pastor Gary


Goat Night at the Price's home was such a pleasure for all of us attending. Excitement filled the air as baby goats were held and petted, as games were played, as delicious food filled our stomachs, and the love of God filled our hearts to overflowing as we experienced once again what being part of a genuine church family is all about. Thanks to Robin and Peck for hosting us all so sensationally and our hats are off to all those that helped in preparing our meal. There are definitely times that all I want to do is kid around! Pastor Gary


Mother's Day was very special at BFCN this morning. The songs of our children under the direction of Cindy Nunn warmed and wowed us all! Our time spent recognizing and honoring our mothers led by Cuzzie Mathena highlighted just how valuable they are to us! Then sharing in spirited congregational praise through the ministry of Corey & Brittany Nunn, having our hearts stirred through the singing voice of Tina Lange, and being inspired by a fresh revelation of the progressive force of God's grace given us for our life journeys, all made for quite a soul stimulating and enabling experience. For this we give God all the glory! Pastor Gary


Today I made two home visits to see Sue Williams and Merve & Marie Anderson. All three of these wonderful Christians presently represent physical needs, but when it comes to their spiritual health, it is vibrant and glowing to God’s glory! Join me in asking our loving Heavenly Father to bestow His renewing touch upon them all. Pastor Gary


Prayer Needs: Earlier today I made a couple of home visits. I first saw Clara Ferguson and her son Denny at her home in Rock Camp, WV. This dear godly lady is 93 and has not eaten much for about a month now. She now weighs around 80 lbs. Clara and all her loved ones need the strength and help that God alone can give them at this most difficult time concerning Clara’s declining health. In dropping by to see my Christian brother Alford Wright, I learned that he has a severe problem with one of his feet needing to be healed. This makes it difficult for Alford to walk. I am asking our Heavenly Father to touch both of these fellow Christians and friends with His grace and power. Will you join me in interceding for them? Pastor Gary


Returning a short while ago to Bluefield from the Charleston area, I made a beeline to stand close at the side of a grieving precious saint of God, Sue Williams. Sue and her wonderful family suffered the loss of her youngest sister, Karen Lilly, about two weeks ago, and this morning her sister Darlene Clower of Conway, SC relocated to her residence in Heaven. Sorrow has hit their hearts greatly in recent days, and the loss of loved ones is never easy to bear. But, in times like this, the essence of what we believe, that Christ conquered death and the grave, serve as a great reinforcing solace to our hearts as they break. It is my heart’s desire that all the family will be overtaken, not by sorrow, but by their faith In Jesus Christ and the assurance and hope that knowledge yields within them. Please pray for Sue and all her loved ones. Pastor Gary


The two Virginias area recently lost a great neighbor and wonderful man after waging a lengthy battle with cancer, Stephen Prout. Our hearts and prayers go out to his loving wife Phyllis, and to all their loved ones, as their hearts ache over his passing. May each them find God's personal Presence, tender embrace, and matchless grace, more than sufficient to bring them through this time of sorrow! Pastor Gary


Our Flashlight Egg Hunt & Easter Party was a raving success tonight thanks to the contributions of many who made it such an awesome church wide event. Special thanks go out in particular to Judy Atkinson & Sharon Wilson for their shared leadership in bringing it all together. It was definitely a warm and memorable experience, but the highlight of the evening, had to be when a guest from Biblical times spoke to us about what Easter is all about. Children and adults alike all held on to every word we heard about Jesus who was raised from the dead! Pastor Gary


Prayer Need: I have just learned from Teresa Gates that her precious mother Helen Murray Church fell at her Clayton Lake house today, breaking her right ankle and injuring her left ankle. Would you unite with me in asking our wonderful Lord to help her recover from this damage to her ankles in such a way that it will bring great glory to His Name! Pastor Gary


Here you can find pictures from Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene:


Here you can find videos from Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene:

Fun at Cuzzie Mathena’s Birthday Party!

Our Birthday Party for Cuzzie Mathena!

It's A Sublime Valentine's Time At BFCN February 6

WVS District Event - Snow Tubing at Winter Place!

WVS District Event - Snow Tubing at Winter Place!

Musical chairs at our Christmas Jingle Mingle!

Singing to the staff and residents at the Westwood Center!

Our recent Women's Retreat to the Smokies was definitely a much needed time for many of our ladies who were able to attend. Friendships were strengthened and new friendships were made. Fun, games, and laughter were the norm, and soul touching times of spiritual help and renewal were experienced by all. Shopping and dining were also part of what made it such a memorable time together. This will be one of those moments in their lives that all of them will cherish with warm fond memories in their hearts. Our ladies want to extend a huge thanks to our church leadership who offset the expense of the trip by picking up the fuel cost and for providing the use of the church van. A special shout out of thanks goes to Vicki Jakes and Tiffany Harbert for working so tirelessly to see it all come together as such a hallmark getaway for those attending. Pastor Gary

Our recent Women's Retreat to the Smokies was definitely a much needed time for many of our ladies who were able to attend. Friendships were strengthened and new friendships were made. Fun, games, and laughter were the norm, and soul touching times of spiritual help and renewal were experienced by all. Shopping and dining were also part of what made it such a memorable time together. This will be one of those moments in their lives that all of them will cherish with warm fond memories in their hearts. Our ladies want to extend a huge thanks to our church leadership who offset the expense of the trip by picking up the fuel cost and for providing the use of the church van. A special shout out of thanks goes to Vicki Jakes and Tiffany Harbert for working so tirelessly to see it all come together as such a hallmark getaway for those attending. Pastor Gary

Our recent Men's Retreat that took place over the past two weekends at the Hurley's cabin in Pocahontas County was a raving success! Memories were made that will endure and grow even brighter across the years ahead, bringing much warmth to our hearts, as we remember all the good times we had as brothers in Christ! It was such a worthwhile experience, the number of those attending our next one will surely increase, because there is no greater promotional factor than word of mouth. All of us who were privileged to participate in this awesome event owe a great deal to Dwight and Jean Hurley for opening the doors of their cabin to all of us. The way they hosted us was simply out of this world! The blessing of God was all over their efforts extended in our behalves and we are extremely grateful! Pastor Gary

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